PLA’s online hub for digital literacy support and training, DigitalLearn.org, launches, with support from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
The website is intended to build upon and foster the work of libraries and community organizations as they work to increase digital literacy across the nation. DigitalLearn.org is created in partnership with ALA’s Office of Information Technology Policy and the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies, along with representatives from national agencies, state libraries, public libraries and community organizations.
The inaugural PLA Leadership Academy is held. The PLA Leadership Academy empowers public library professionals to become innovative and successful leaders of change, shifting their libraries from an internal approach—focused on organizational operations—to an external approach—focused on community needs.
PLA launches its performance measurement initiative and establishes the Performance Measurement Task Force, whose charge is to develop standardized measures of effectiveness for library services and promote training and implementation tools for using the data collected. The work of the task force leads to the creation of Project Outcome, a free online toolkit for measuring and analyzing outcomes data.