Isaiah West
Teen Services Coordinator, Alexandria (VA) Library
PLA Member for 3 years
How did you first become involved with PLA?
I had watched PLA from afar for a couple of years, but when the Inclusive Internship Initiative program was introduced to me, I jumped at the opportunity. Being able to hire two teens that first summer really helped revitalize the teen programs at our library.
Since you’ve become a member of PLA, tell us about someone who influenced you in some way.
One of my interns, Divine, from the Inclusive Internship Initiative has really impacted my work in libraries and teen services. She is a social justice warrior and a fierce library advocate. Her tenacity has caused my flame to reignite and focus harder on how any step in the right direction can help a marginalized community.
How has PLA helped you in your career path?
PLA has made me realize the ways that I can be involved in my community as a librarian, advocate, and life-long learner. Hearing from other librarians through PLA events, and seeing the taskforces, programs, initiative, and committees that they are involved with, has made me more involved as well. I think by being one of the people involving myself in groups other librarians are not part of has helped others see the profession differently and given the library, and myself, more resources when trying to plan programs and events.